Monday, August 10, 2009


So my cameras are on the blitz--The lens is stuck on one so it won't take pictures and for some reason the other camera is stuck on video and won't take a picture.

So, you are stuck with a video. This year I tried my hand at canning without mom & grandma around to help. Lance's sister gave us some raspberries from her garden so we made homemade raspberry syrup and jam. I made the syrup recipe last year but cheated and just put it in the freezer until it was used. This year I thought I would try to be more of a old style homemaker and can it. I have heard several pops so far so I must have done something right. Thought about sending some to Mom for a belated b-day gift but not sure the jar would survive the mail.


Robin said...

They look gorgeous and yummy. I have had a lot of fun canning this year. Go figure . . . I never thought I would go for that kind of thing. Keep up the good work!

Knight knughts said...

I have plums and berries that I need to do something with. But I have never canned before. Well once with mom And G Gentry. I bet your stuff tastes yummy.
